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LOVE AND COMPASSION CHARITABLE SOCIETY http://www.lacindia.org 6660 2005-09-23
WELCOME…Thank you for taking the time to browse through this information about our fellowship, our charitable society. The Love and Compassion Charitable Society (LACCS) is a legally registered worldwide society and network of churches. We all share common beliefs in the transforming Power of Love. For God is love. (1 John. 4: 8, 16) We share this worldwide charitable organization. We have joined together to advance the kingdom of God on earth. Each of us serves in his/her own location and surrounding areas. We do this to provide an atmosphere of joy and warmth to disadvantaged children. We want to bring these same gifts to their families. This we can do through compassionate, sustainable, comprehensive and integrated services. Our programs are designed permanently to break the cycles of neglect, abuse, sickness and homelessness. We are an independent fellowship of ministers. Our initial purpose is to offer cooperation with churches and other organizations. We also want to arrange meetings, worship, seminars, and conferences. In these gatherings, we want to bring together scholars from around the globe. We also want to provide forums for academic and social development and education. Love and Compassion programs bring together volunteers from worldwide organizations. They work together to care for their neighbors who have long-term health needs. LACCS considers empowerment and networking of the poor as its major goal and objective. LACCS is a player in the fight against rural poverty and hunger. Our innovative programs include: child adoption, early childhood education, health care services, housing assistance, mental health services, family preservation, foster care, reunification, crisis intervention, recreation, mentoring and job training. We are best known for our activities in these fields. We serve God in actions.
Provided Camp Ministry http://www.providedcampministry.org 34065 2008-07-22
PCM strives to reach every child and youth and give them a chance to attend life changing events such as summer camps, Mission trips, and Bible studies
Subic Bay Children's Home http://www.sbchome.org 7971 2004-03-16
Subic Bay Children's Home providing a home for the street children of Olongapo City, Philippines. Subic Bay Children's Home seeks to provide a channel through which local churches and individuals can extend a helping hand to destitute, unwanted, unloved, troubled boys and girls in providing them a home, love, understanding and Christian guidance.


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